Sunday, December 19, 2010


Yipeeeee I feel so glad I am out of blog jail, if something like that even exists. All I needed was a lil inspiration from my readers but all of you seem to be as busy as myself. Thank God for people like Steve who decided to bell the cat and force me to write again *whew* it has not been easy people.

I am so confused I don't know where to start from. A lot has being going on in my life but a story must always have a beginning and an end... So here it goes. Just today I decided to take a bold step and open my own time capsule to view my expectations for the year 2010, and believe me all has gone in God's own way, there are a few more days to the end of this calender year and I am still expectant of so many miracles, by God's grace my 11th hour miracle is on the way.

Back to the opening of my time capsule, expectation #03: Lord I pray I get to do my NYSC ppa in Chevron or somewhere better. God has everything planned even before we were all created. I prayed for Chevron and He sent me there but I begged Him for a change and in His infinite mercies He granted me another job with Schlumberger oil Nigeria. Anyway getting my request letter and a new reposting letter was kinda a lot of stress but all that is behind me. The job is great and fun but I will not be paid this month talkless of the 13th month salary...lolz armed robber like me please don't mind me ooo I just started work 7th Dec. The good news is that I get double salary in January buhh are you sure I can tarry, I cant dull this xmas ooo even though I just got into the mood today during ma parish's carol service.

Multitasking aint an easy something o, tweeting, bbm and normal life life is being overtaken by twitter, I barely have time for myself buhh the good thing is that I have made such a good family rite there that once I don't tweet in a day I feel sick. My fingers are hurting, I believe I have tried and sunday pounded yam is calling me at the moment I will be ✓ back don't you dare leave ur screen.
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